Anchovy Family Photographs, and Information – Engraulidae

Anchovy Family – Engraulidae

There are currently TWELVE members of the Anchovy or Engraulidae Family, three from the Atlantic and nine from the Pacific, presented in this website:



The fish of the Anchovy or Engraulidae Family are known in Mexico’s fishing areas as anchoas or sardinas. Globally there are one hundred forty-one known family members that have been placed in seventeen genera of which fourteen species in five genera are found in Mexican waters of the Atlantic and seventeen species from four genera reside in Mexican waters of the Pacific Ocean. They are small herring-like fish that are easily distinguishable from herrings by having larger mouths extending well behind the eyes and found on the lower side of the head with an overhanging projecting upper jaw lacking canine teeth. They have one short dorsal fin near the mid-body, pectoral fins that are low on the body, and pelvic fins that are well behind their pectoral fins and originate before or under their dorsal fin base. Engraulidae are silvery in color and have a silver stripe along their flanks. They are normally less than 15 cm (5.9 inches) in length and virtually weightless.

The Anchovies are pelagic fish that form huge, tight-knit schools within twenty miles of the coast in all oceanic waters between latitudes of 60oN and 50oS. They are the most abundant of the schooling pelagic fish and an important food source for predatory fish, birds, and mammals. They feed on planktonic organisms and crustaceans. Anchovies are an important commercial catch with annual catches being in excess of 10,000,000 tons that are primarily made with nets. They are used fresh, frozen or canned for human and pet food consumption.