Angelfish Family Photographs, and Information – Pomacanthidae

Angelfish Family  – Pomacanthidae

There are currently SIX members of the Angelfish or Pomacanthidae Family, three from the Atlantic and three from the Pacific Ocean,  presented in this website:



The fish of the Angelfish or Pomacanthidae Family are a group of fish found in shallow reefs in tropical parts of the Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific Oceans that consist of ninety-one members placed in nine genera.  In Mexico, they are known collectively as ángeles. There are seven Angelfish found in Mexican waters, four in the Atlantic and three in the Pacific Ocean. Angelfishes have deeply compressed oblong to oval shaped bodies. Their identification is straightforward and normally made by observing their body shapes and color patterns. Their heads feature a short snout and a small terminal protractile mouth with brush-like teeth and a small eye located high on the head. A long, strong spine is found at the lower corner of the gill cover along with several small spines on the gill cover. They have a lunate caudal fin, a single dorsal fin with 9 to 15 strong, stout spines, and relatively large pectoral fins. They range in length from 15 cm (5.9 inches) to 60 cm (2 feet 0 inches). Their bodies are covered with rough scales.

Most Angelfish are found in the vicinity of coral reefs at depths between 9 m (30 feet) and 14 m (45 feet). They are brightly colored with complex and varied patterns making them some of the most conspicuous residents of the reef. Several species exhibit a dramatic change in color pattern when transitioning from juvenile to adult stages. Most are dependent on the presence of boulders, caves, and coral crevices for shelter and protection. Angelfish are somewhat territorial and spend daylight hours near the bottom of the ocean in search of food.  They consume algae, detritus and/or sponges supplemented by a variety of benthic invertebrates. At night they take cover in various hiding places within the reef. Young Angelfish are grazers and consume small organisms including algae, coral polyps, hydroids, sponges, tunicates, and worms. They are also known as “cleaners” removing parasites from the surfaces of other fish. Reproduction in Angelfish occurs either with highly territorial mated pairs or in harems with a single male dominant over several females. All Angelfish species are protogynous hermaphrodites and if the dominant male of a harem is removed, a female will turn into a functional male. Angelfish release many tiny buoyant pelagic eggs which float freely with the currents until hatching. A large number of these eggs fall victim to planktonic feeders.

The Angelfish are utilized by the aquarium trade extensively being the second most exported fish by number and the highest in total dollar value globally. Larger Angelfish are occasionally sought for human consumption in some regions; however, they are known to contain ciguatoxin.